Tom Cruise Katie Holmes Jamie Foxx

All about Jamie Foxx and Katie Holmes Relationship

Jamie_Foxx and Katie Holmes

Jamie Foxx and Katie Holmes have supposedly bee dating since 2013, but have so far failed to claim their romantic relationship. They have both kept back a low profile as rumors continue swirling. They have only been seen together very few times.

37-yaer-old Katie Holmes and 48-year old Jamie Foxx attended the 4th annual Apollo charity event that was held in the Hamptons in 2013 after the divorce of Katie Holmes’ and Tom Cruise’ divorce in 2012. During the event they both took the dance floor and it was then that it was reported that they were in a relationship. But later on Foxx denied having any form of romantic relationship with Holmes, claiming that she was not the only one dancing close to him during the event.

Jamie Foxx told New York post in early 2014 that the rumors were not 100% true and that it was hilarious because they simply danced during the event along with many other people. He went ahead to say that he also danced with Colin Powell and this would also have amounted to be a rumor that they were also dating.

As both Jamie Foxx and Katie Holmes go ahead to deny of their possible romantic relationship, a photo that surfaced in early 2015 rumored to have captured them holding hands in studio. Us Weekly shared the photo and it had been taken in February 2015 and this was seemingly a confirmation of their suspicious relationship.

Katie Holmes mutual friend said that Jamie Foxx was someone that Holmes could have fun and trust with. She went ahead to say that Katie got a lot from Jamie that she did not get from tom. With all the rumors going on including those that say Katie and Jamie are getting married and are ready to start a family, they have not yet gone public about their romance. A recent post surfaced that it will be hard for them to make it to the point of marriage in their relationship.

A source revealed that this was because Katie Holmes was allegedly getting tired of keeping the romantic relationship with Jamie Foxx in the dark and was ready to let it out to the public or else split.

Katie’s close friend told Radar Online that Katie was getting tired of playing hide and seek with their romantic relationship and that Katie was ready boast of her new found love. With all the rumors out there, another report surfaced claiming that tom cruise was “freaking” with the mere idea of letting go of his former wife and young daughter to someone else, a man who was his co-star in 2004 film Collateral.

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The movies news guide on May 2016 reported that Tom Cruise was alright with parting ways with Holmes and his daughter Suri some years back when she was not seeing any other man, but the rumor that she is, cruise has been alleged of felling uneasy. It has been reported that cruise believes that Jamie Foxx is stealing his daughter away from him and is not in any way happy with Foxx playing daddy roles for his child.

Another report on May 2014 claimed that Cruise was rumored of claiming that he believed that their daughter Suri was possessed by evil spirits, and this was the reason behind him not seeing her for the past few years. However, the rumor was shot down by Gossip Cop, claiming that the need for exorcism for Suri was not in any way the reason behind his absence.

There has also been rumors that Katie Holmes is pregnant and this was the reason why the wedding plans were on hold which is categorically untrue according to Foxx’s rep. the rep also said that it was not true that Foxx was engaged, was not getting married and also was not expecting another child.

Despite the fact that Katie Holmes and Jamie Foxx have not come out to confirm their romantic relationship, they have also not been seen going out with anyone else since they were rumored to be together years ago.

While Claudia Jordan was chatting to the Allegedly podcast she revealed that she was in no uncertain terms that Katie and Jamie were dating. She stated that Jamie is happy with holes and added that she liked that Jamie seemed very happy.

Jamie Foxx is a father of two but has never been married. He might have finally found his lady love and let us hope that Katie has also finally found someone to make her truly happy. Their names even have a common factor: Katie and Jamie.


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