
Antibiotic Resistance

Antibiotics are the drugs prescribed for patients with infections caused by bacteria and some specific parasites. Examples of bacterial-caused diseases include; pneumonia, skin infections, cough, urinary tract infections, respiratory tract infections, and many others. These drugs work by hindering the development and killing the bacteria causing the infection or stopping their multiplication.

Although antibiotics have been an triumph in the healthy industry, they have also have shortcomings, there are two drawbacks of antibiotic:

1. Antibiotics cannot control virus related infections like flu.
2. Overuse or overdose can have serious side effects.

The overuse or misuse of antibiotics is detrimental to our natural immunity system and can create antibiotic resistant bacteria .
When antibiotics s are taken in excess, they interfere with the production of our natural antibodies, this makes our bodies fragile to an extent were minor infections or a simple hilliness can put our live in danger.
Discoveries have shown that the main causes of bacterial resistance are:
1. Recurrent use of a particular antibiotic against a given bacteria.
2. Dosage skipping; where people don’t take a full package prescribed by the doctor.
3. Overdose use of antibiotics. When bacteria becomes resistant to a given antibiotics.

in severe cases, some bacteria become resistant to all forms of antibiotics. Also, overdose and frequent use of antibiotics can cause side effect or be toxic to our body.

For instances research shows that overuse of antibiotic treatment leads to a lot of sugar in the gut. The sugar creates a base, since bacteria flourishes in sugar, for harmful bacteria which causes infections.

Also, other specific classes of antibiotics are known to cause specific side effects. For example, sulphonamides are known for the formation of kidney stones, trimethoprim causes blood disorders, and many other cases.

Some bacteria that causes the flu can be fought by your own immune system and in most cases will not require the usage of antibiotics. When sick, you must give yourself plenty of rest and eat a balanced diet which includes more fruits and vegetables.

if the flu persist see your family doctor. Sometimes antibiotics are needed because of infections in the lungs your doctor will examine you and check your breathing and will prescribe a antibiotic if needed.

Some doctors will blindly give you antibiotics because they are training to do so, they also do not want any lawsuit in case you gets worse. Talk to your doctor to see if your condition really requires the usage of antibiotics, ask him if he/she can suggest any alternative treatment to fight the infection.

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