virtual reality headset

Virtual Reality

tual reality is an artificially created environment that when presented to the user makes the user accept it as the real environment. This phenomenon is simulated on a computer and capitalizes on the use of two senses among the five that an individual has, i.e., sight and sound. A key example of virtual reality technology is a 3-D image which can be interactively explored on a personal computer usually through the manipulation of the keys or the mouse making the image to move in a particular direction or zoom in and out. A more complex effort can involve a room fitted with wrap-around screen display which lets you feel the real environment as well as the display image.

Virtual reality as a technology can further be divided into two divisions which are; simulating the real environment for educational and training purposes and developing an interactive environment solemnly for the purposes of gaming or storytelling.
What are the benefits of Virtual Reality ?The use of 3-D or the virtual reality environment for training purposes allows the students or the employees to have a totally new experience of training. It helps awaken the student’s enthusiasm as it breathes life back into the traditional based computer based training.

The innovation of a virtual reality headset has revolutionized gaming which has helped us to breach the gap that initially existed between gaming and the reality. This has improved the experience you are likely to have in your favourite games unlike in the past this new innovation is totally going to change the face of gaming into a new era that the world has never seen before.

You can train the users on the theoretical part of the subject matter then simulate the situation on a computer to give the learners the practical aspect of the subject as it appears in the real world. Through virtual reality, you shall then be able to gauge the learner’s competency and their reactions to some scenarios.
It can be used to emulate real life situation. Virtual reality can be applied in the creation of an interactive scenario which emulates how machines work in the real life situations. Through this, you can have an understanding of how machines responds and how the to correct some abnormalities in the event of a breakdown or low throughput.
It can be applied in the simulation of biological processes

Virtual reality has numerous applications in biological sciences. With the sudden rise in the field of computational biology and bioinformatics, virtual reality technology can be applied in simulating biological processes such as DNA replication, protein folding, and ligand-receptor interactions. It can also be used in observing the response of an organism or a cell to specific stimuli. It ability to engage the user by giving a 3-D visualization of situations gives a reality to processes that occur within the body.

By simulating processes that occur in nature you can cut greatly on the training cost. In a situations where you have a large group of students who need several expensive equipment to train, then virtual training could save you the hustle as through this you can be able to train a large group at a cheaper cost.
It is also a safe method of training your staff in the situations where the training would be considered as hazardous or dangerous.

 Navy soldier using a Virtual reality parachute training simulator
Navy soldier using a Virtual Reality parachute training simulator

The ugly side of the virtual reality technology is that people might engage in doing things in this environment which are considered illegal in the real world situation. Through this may further start acting in a socially unacceptable manner since they feel to have the sense of anonymity. Another factor is that the technology is still developing and this leaves out a number of flaws to be answered. Communication through the technology can at times be viewed as being deceptive as it is an imaginary environment and not the reality as per se. Critics of this technology also say the a good number of people may adopt to living this virtual life prompting them to neglect their responsibilities in the real world.

In summary, as we embrace the technology we also need to be aware of its shortcomings. Just like we embraced the iPhone so should we embrace the virtual reality.

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